The Internet Is Rediscovering Norm MacDonald’s Bold O.J. Simpson Jokes That Got Him Fired From ‘SNL’

SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, from left: Norm MacDonald, George Clooney, 'Weekend Update', (Season 20, ep. 2014, aired Feb. 25, 1995), 1975-.
Alan Singer/NBC/courtesy Everett Collection
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There have been a lot of noteworthy responses to the news that O.J. Simpson died, but there’s one perspective some folks on the internet seem to want to hear the most: that of the late, great Norm MacDonald, who sacrificed his very job on Saturday Night Live in the relentless pursuit of a punchline about his belief in the former football star’s guilt.

Of course, MacDonald is no longer here to offer any new words, having died in 2021. However, he said plenty while he was alive and on air about the double murder trial and eventual acquittal of Simpson, who was accused of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman.