The Shining (1980 movie)

200-Plus Memorable Movies With Notable Anniversaries in 2025
Here’s an extensive listing of many movies celebrating notable anniversaries in 2025, from Oscar-winning classics like “All About Eve” (75 years) to blockbusters like “Jaws” (50 years) and “Back to the Future” (40 years), and lots more.

Why Did ‘The Shining’ Star Shelley Duvall Disappear?
She recently gave a very rare interview and has a new movie coming out.

Shelley Duvall Best Known For ‘The Shining’ Dead at 75
The actress died in her sleep, her life partner revealed.

Haunted Hotel From ‘The Shining’ Almost Burned Down
Find out what happened to the iconic hotel.

New Horror Exhibit is Coming to The Stanley, The Colorado Hotel That Inspired ‘The Shining’
Will you be brave enough to visit?

Scarecation: Check Out These Famous Haunted Hotels!
Can you imagine a night at one of the most haunted hotels in America?

Stephen King, the Master of Horror From Paper to Scream, Er, Screen
The king of horror just turned 76; plus, new screen adaptations coming in October.

The 1983 Broadcast Premiere of ‘The Shining’ Had a Weird Advisory
Stanley Kubrick’s classic 1980 adaptation of Stephen King’s novel debuted on ABC May 6, 1983, and was preceded by a warning almost as eerie as the movie itself.