What Ever Happened to Tang? All The Great Stuff We Ate as Kids

Things I Ate as a Kid White Mountain Puzzle
Charlie Girard, White Mountain Puzzle

There’s something about this mouthwatering puzzle of nostalgia — “Things I Ate As a Kid” — from White Mountain Puzzles that just makes us smile. We’re giving away the puzzle this week in our Pop Quiz trivia contest, so make sure you enter. If not, you can pick one up at White Mountain, but seriously, how many of these brands did you love and remember? Here are just a few we spotlight.


The 1960s made this orange powdered beverage an American cultural icon, as the flavorful drink was taken to space by our beloved astronauts. The drink seemed even easier than Kool-Aid at the time, as all you had to do was scoop two heaping tablespoons of the powder and mix it with water and presto — you had yourself a fruity, refreshing beverage. Today, the drink is more popular internationally, but can still be ordered through Amazon.

White Mountain Things I Ate as a Kid puzzle by Charlie GirardMickey’s Launch Pak Orbits

These Ding Dong lookalikes came in a pack of 12 for just 79 cents and were officially titled Mickey’s Launch Pak. Each were individually wrapped in foil, and were essentially a miniature devil’s food cake with a creme-filled center. The late 1950s snack capitalized on the popularity of the space program and included space-related details on the back of the box.

Drake’s Devil Dogs

These long delicious snack cakes date back to about 1926 (although first owned by another company) and were a top seller. The Drake brand of baked yummies included Ring Dings, Funny Bones, Yodels and Fruit Doodles (the trademarked name for fruit pies); many of which were mentioned on Seinfeld over the seasons.

Chip-Chip Chip-A-Roos

In 1970s’ ads Mr. Sunshine invited folks to try “my delicious chocolate chip Chip-A-Roos. They’re a lot of cookie with a lot of chips. And they’re made with that special Sunshine freshness I put in all my cookies. Delicious chip-chip-Chip-A-Roos. You’ll love them. (And so will the children.)”

Bubble Up

This lemon-lime soda pop was ahead of brands like Sprite and 7 Up dating back to 1919 from Sweet Valley Products. It’s now part of the Dad’s Root Beer Company.