10 Pop Culture Snakes in TV & Film in Honor of the Year of the Snake

On January 29, the 2025 Lunar New Year will mark the Year of the Snake. While many people are frightened or grossed out by snakes, snakes can also have positive symbolism and represent good luck, regality, rebirth or even wealth and wisdom. Some say that the Year of the Snake can mean some big changes are ahead, but it got us wondering about snakes in pop culture. There are certainly plenty … let’s reminisce about some of the most memorable.
1 Britney Spears performed with a yellow python at the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards

Kevin Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images
When Britney Spears took the stage at the 2001 MTV VMAs, she wasn’t alone … she had a massive yellow python draped over her shoulders. Performing “I’m a Slave 4 U,” she stunned the audience with her confidence as the snake slithered across her arms. The performance became one of the most memorable moments in pop music history, solidifying Spears as the ultimate early 2000s pop star. The Burmese python became just as famous, proving that sometimes, a snake can steal the show.
2 Snakes on a Plane (2006)

New Line Cinema/Everett Collection
A movie with a title like Snakes on a Plane pretty much delivers exactly what you expect: Chaos, suspense and, um, snakes on a plane. Starring Samuel L. Jackson, the film follows passengers trapped on a flight filled with venomous snakes, which were deliberately released as part of an assassination plot. While the film didn’t win any major awards, it gained a cult following thanks to its over-the-top action and Jackson’s now-iconic line: “I have had it with these [expletive] snakes on this [expletive] plane!”
3 Sssssss (1973)

Everett Collection
Long before CGI snakes took over Hollywood, the 1973 horror film Sssssss (yes, that’s seven S’s) gave audiences a terrifying tale of science gone wrong. The movie follows a scientist who experiments with snake venom, eventually turning a man into a human-serpent hybrid. While this film also wasn’t a box office hit, it became a cult classic for its eerie atmosphere and practical effects. Be sure to check out the trailer!
4 Snakes in the Harry Potter books & films

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The Harry Potter franchise is packed with snake symbolism, from the sinister Slytherin house to the villain Voldemort’s loyal pet Nagini. Perhaps the most famous snake moment comes in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, when young Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) speaks Parseltongue (a language that only snakes and certain wizards can speak) to a python at the zoo, unknowingly revealing his connection to the dark wizard and accidentally letting snakes loose. Later in the franchise, Nagini plays a key role in Voldemort’s rise and eventual defeat.
5 Disney’s slithering cartoon villains: Aladdin, Robin Hood and The Jungle Book

Walt Disney Productions/Everett Collection
Disney loves a good snake villain, and three animated classics feature particularly memorable ones. In Aladdin, Jafar transforms into a massive cobra during his final battle with Aladdin, hissing that he is now “the most powerful being on Earth.” In Robin Hood, the sniveling Sir Hiss serves as Prince John’s right-hand snake, always scheming but never quite succeeding. Lastly, in The Jungle Book, the hypnotic Kaa attempts to mesmerize Mowgli with his swirling eyes and smooth voice. These cartoon reptiles may not be the scariest, but they sure are entertaining.
6 Indiana Jones and the snake pit scene (Raiders of the Lost Ark, 1981)
If there’s one thing Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) hates, it’s snakes. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, the famous archaeologist finds himself face-to-face with thousands of slithering serpents when he falls into a tomb filled with them. The moment when he mutters, “Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?” became one of the most famous lines in movie history. The scene proved that even the bravest among us are afraid of something.
7 Anaconda (1997)

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Few movies embrace the sheer terror of giant snakes like Anaconda. Starring Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube and Jon Voight, the film follows a documentary crew that encounters an enormous, man-eating anaconda in the Amazon jungle. The snake’s massive size and terrifying attacks made it one of the most fearsome reptiles ever seen on screen. While the movie was a mix of horror and campy fun, it remains a favorite for fans of creature features.
8 Snake Plissken in Escape From New York (1981)

Everett Collection
Not all famous snakes are actual reptiles; some are just really tough guys with reptilian names. Snake Plissken, played by Kurt Russell in Escape from New York, is a hardened antihero sent into a dystopian Manhattan-turned-prison to rescue the president. With his eye patch, gruff attitude and no-nonsense approach, he became an instant icon of ’80s action films.
9 Snake (Jailbird) in The Simpsons

20th Century Fox Film Corp./Everett Collection
In the world of The Simpsons, the character known as Snake Jailbird is Springfield’s most well-known criminal. He may not be a literal snake, but he’s slippery enough to keep escaping the law.
10 Medusa: the ultimate snake icon
Long before Hollywood started casting snakes in major roles, Greek mythology had already established one of the most famous snake-related figures: Medusa. With venomous snakes for hair and a gaze that could turn people to stone, Medusa was both feared and misunderstood. She’s been depicted in countless books, movies and artworks, often as a symbol of danger, power or revenge. Whether seen as a villain or a victim, Medusa remains the ultimate snake-inspired legend.
Which of these iconic serpents is your favorite? Can you think of others?

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