Oasis to Reunite in 2025 Following Longtime Brother Feud

What was long deemed impossible has happened: The Gallagher brothers of Oasis, best known for their hit songs “Wonderwall” (the highest-selling British song during the 1990s) and “Don’t Look Back in Anger” — which ironically, they both did for nearly 15 years — have reconciled and announced a reunion.
Once perhaps the most famous British rock band, the brothers had a falling out years back and haven’t toured together since 2009. But they’d been having problems for years prior to that. Having grown up in the same household, there was perhaps never a time that they weren’t having problems. (The 2016 documentary Oasis: Supersonic featured several memorable stories about Britain’s famous bickering brothers.) Why? Well, it can’t be easy sharing the spotlight with your sibling, let alone being stuck in a van together for months at a time. But also, some people just like to fight.
To sum up their rivalry and general dispositions is one well-known, very 1990s tale of debauchery that took place in Los Angeles 30 years ago, 1994.
High on their skyrocketing fame (and probably various other drugs), Oasis crossed the pond and headed to Los Angeles for a highly anticipated American tour. Immediately, they went into full-on rock star rascal mode. First, the band was thrown out of the KROQ radio station for swearing on air. Then they fought with bouncers at the legendary Viper Room. Later, LAPD arrived at 6am with guns drawn because someone named Bonehead (British musician Paul Arthurs) refused to stop playing “Supersonic” on his guitar as loud as possible. Finally, before they arrived at the iconic Hollywood venue Whisky-A-Go-Go for their show, the band went on a hunt for cocaine. Unfortunately, they unknowingly ended up with crystal meth instead (because: America).
What followed was a disastrous set; exploding bass amps, Noel playing different songs from the rest of the band, Liam threatening the audience before entirely losing interest and sitting through the rest of the songs, among other things. Finally, Liam told Noel to “f*** himself” and then hit him on the head with a tambourine and eventually stormed off stage. Noel responded by running off to San Francisco and quitting the band for a few weeks.
However, since it was the 1990s, and grown men acting like toddlers was all the rage, this only fueled their fame in America and abroad. They continued to fight and tour for another decade or so, before breaking up in 2009.
Since then, Noel released four albums with his group Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds and Liam released two with his group Beady Eye, three solo albums and one with John Squire of the Stone Roses.
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One can only assume that the brothers finally went to a family therapist; either that, or they both ran out of money. Whatever the reasoning may be, Oasis fans can now see their favorite band live again, and the shows are more than likely going to sell out fast.
Tickets go on sale at 9am Saturday for 14 dates in Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland for next July and August. Oasis is also set to release a 30th-anniversary edition of its debut album, Definitely Maybe, including some early tracks thought to be lost.
As of now no North American dates have been announced, but we probably need to wait and see if the brothers can hold it together in the UK first.

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February 2024
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